Portage Salarial in all serenity

What is outsourcing in Portugal?
HR Outsourcing is defined as a set of contractual relations organised between an administration company (Eotim), an employee and client companies, involving for the “portée” employee the system of salaried employment and the remuneration of his or her services to the client by the administration company (Eotim)HR

How does HR Outsoursing work ?
The employee and our client company directly negotiate the terms of the assignment (nature, duration, price).
– Eotim then signs an assignment contract with the client and, at the same time, an employment contract under Portuguese law with the employee.
– Eotim then invoices its client for the fees corresponding to the assignment and pays the employee the corresponding salary.

As a true advisor and partner of your organisation, Eotim will accompany you throughout the implementation of the HR Outsourcing. We are committed to proposing and implementing a fast, reliable and flexible solution for your organisation.